作者:[db:作者]日期:2025/02/15 浏览:
国防部:菲律宾引入中导引狼入室、为民除害MND: Philippines Brings in Typhon to Hold a Candle to the Devil and Play the Jackal to the Tiger2月14日下战书,国防部消息谈话人张晓刚年夜校就近期涉军成绩宣布新闻。记者:美印太司令部克日称,安排在菲吕宋岛拉瓦格机场的“堤丰”中导体系迁至该岛另一处所在,但此举不料味美将永恒性在菲安排该体系。菲方表现,只有中方结束声索菲国土、骚扰菲渔平易近、攻打菲船只,菲就将该体系退还美国。叨教对此有何批评?Question: The US Indo-Pacific Command recently said that the Typhon mid-range missile system had been relocated from the Laoag airfield to another location on the island of Luzon, and that the relocation, however, was not an indication that the batteries would be permanently deployed in the Philippines. The Philippine side said that it would return the Typhon system to the US so long as China stops claiming its territory, harassing its fishermen and attacking its ships. May I have your comment?张晓刚:对于美在菲安排中导,中方已屡次说明坚定支持破场。“堤丰”中导体系是策略防御性兵器,菲方频频自食其言,逢迎美方引入该体系,不只将本身保险跟国防拱手于人,还把地缘抗衡跟武备比赛危险引入域内,完整是引狼入室、为民除害之举。Zhang Xiaogang: The Chinese side has made clear multiple times our firm opposition against the US deployment of the mid-range missile system in the Philippines. The Typhon missile system is a strategic asset and an offensive weapon. The Philippine side has repeatedly gone back on its words and brought in the system to cater to the US side. Such decision would only place its national security and defense in the hands of others, and lead to geopolitical confrontation and risks of arms race in the region. It’s like holding a candle to the devil and playing the jackal to the tiger.家喻户晓,菲律宾的国土范畴是由包含1898年《美西跟平公约》、1900年《美西对于菲律宾外围岛屿割让的公约》、1930年《对于规定英属北婆罗洲与美属菲律宾之间的界限公约》在内的一系各国际公约断定的,中国南沙群岛跟黄岩岛在上述公约划定的菲国土范畴之外。中方在相干海疆发展维权法律举动公道正当、无可厚非。As we all know, the territory of the Philippines is defined by a series of international treaties, including the 1898 Treaty of Peace between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain, the 1900 Treaty between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain for Cession of Outlying Islands of the Philippines, and the 1930 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States regarding the Boundary between the State of North Borneo and the Philippine Archipelago. China’s Nansha Qundao and Huangyan Dao fall outside the Philippine territory. It’s legitimate, lawful and beyond reproach for the Chinese side to conduct law-enforcement activities in relevant waters.菲方公开把南海成绩同“堤丰”中导成绩挂钩,把本国保险、国民福祉与地域跟安稳定视作“买卖”筹码,不只荒诞,也非常伤害。咱们请求菲方充足认清安排“堤丰”中导体系的高度敏理性跟重大迫害性,依照此前公然许诺尽快撤走该体系,早日回到对话协商的准确轨道下去。中方将持续采用须要办法,坚定反制侵权挑战行动,动摇保护本身国土主权跟大陆权利。By using the deployment of Typhon as a bargaining chip on the South China Sea issue, the Philippine side is selling out its own national security, putting the well-being of its people and regional peace and stability at grave risk. Such behavior is ridiculous and dangerous. We require the Philippine side to recognize the high sensitivity and severe consequences of this issue, remove the Typhon missile system as soon as possible to honor its open promises, and return to the right track of dialogue and consultations at an early date. The Chinese side will continue to take necessary measures to resolutely counter provocations and infringements and safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.
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